Gordon Security Solutions provides all-in-one software solutions

made by and for Safety & Security Professionals.

Predict Risk  -  Prevent Loss  -  Protect Assets

Complete Security Management

The Human Risks Assessment application with worldwide live incident notification

Human Risks Online Risk Management platform

Our integrated and automated features provide you with an overview of your risk assessments, mitigating measures, current events and incidents with audits.

  • Risk Assessment Software
  • Take the burden off of running assessments
  • Organize all aspects of your assessments
  • Reduce your time spent by up to 60


  • Measured Results
    • Assessment software automatically provides you with measured results
  • Integrated External  Data Feed of Current Events and Incidents

    • The platform  integrates with external data feeds. This feature allows you to stay updated on global and organizational incidents as you see fit.
  • Audits
    • Keep track of all compliance related tasks
    • Create an audit / task that has to be carried out on a recurring basis (daily, weekly, monthly etc.).


The Goal of the Security Program is to choose and implement cost effective Countermeasures that will mitigate the Vulnerabilities leading to the greatest losses.

Make your security department a recognized corporate asset.

Physical Security = Risk Management